3476 Lovejoy Road Altamont, NY (518) 861-8351
Questions - 518-374-4714 or summer@bgcschenectady.com

Acquired in 1957 with a generous contribution from
Jesse R. Lovejoy, the grounds include a swimming pool, ponds, hiking trails, an outdoor amphitheater, arts & crafts building,
picnic pavilions, and playing fields.
2024 Parent/Guardian Orientation:
Friday, June 28th at 6:00pm
Adeline Wright Graham Clubhouse
104 Education Drive, Schenectady, NY 12303

what to bring
Campers are to dress weather wise & bring a swim suit & towel daily (Swim Lessons are Required)
Be sure to tag or mark clothing. We are not responsible for lost & personal items (Lost & Found is located at First Aide Office)
Campers should have a backpack to hold all their personal belongings, including extra clothing, hats, sunscreen, bug lotion, (no sprays), water & snacks. (Camp cannot provide refrigeration)
health & medical
There is a professional on staff for any health related issues.
A doctor’s note is required for dispensing of medication, food allergies and returning to camp because of a communicable disease (i.e., pink eye).
Medical equipment must be provided by parent/guardian.
DO NOT SEND your child if he/she is ill.
Medical staff must be notified if camper is diagnosed with a communicable disease.
Parents/guardians are responsible to pick up their child if notified by medical staff.

code of conduct
*Please review with child before attending Camp*
I will treat others with respect. I will respect myself.
I will be respectful of others property.
I will not use curse words, negative sayings, degrading or rude comments.
I will be courteous and have self-control on the bus and while at camp.
I will be a positive participant during the Camp season.
To insure my safety and the safety of others, I will follow the camp rules.