Change a Life.
Sponsor a Camper.
Please help the Boys & Girls Clubs of Schenectady send deserving kids to Camp Lovejoy this summer!
Your tax deductible donation is greatly needed and truly appreciated.

Campership 2025
Campership Giving
Over half the children residing in the city of Schenectady are living below the federal poverty line and are suffering through no fault of their own. BGCS Summer Programs bring happiness, hope and cherished summer memories to the kids who need it most!
Gifts to the Campership Campaign can be made:
online by clicking the button below:
by mailing in a check payable to:
PO Box 466
Schenectady, NY 12301
If you have any questions, feel free to call our Central Services Administration Office at 518-374-4714.

Did you know you can form your own Campership Fundraising Team? Yes! You can form a team of your friends, family or coworkers OR you can set your own mini-goal and fundraise on your own! Just contact our main office at 518-374-4714 and ask for Felix Perez, Director of Development. It's the super fast and super easy way to help kids!