Steinmetz Boys & Girls Clubs Awarded Accreditation

The Steinmetz Homes Boys & Girls Club has received New York State Afterschool Program Accreditation from the New York State Network for Youth Success. This achievement acknowledges Steinmetz Homes Club, one of five clubs in the Boys & Girls Club of Schenectady, as the only accredited Boys & Girls Club in New York State.
Program Accreditation is the ultimate indication of program quality. It provides afterschool professionals serving school-age children with performance indicators to guide program planning, implementation and evaluation. The accreditation process began more than a year ago and requires solid leadership, teamwork, family support and perseverance.
During the Accreditation process a variety of assessment tools are used including New York’s State’s Afterschool Network’s Quality Self-Assessment (QSA), the School-Age Care Environmental Rating Scale (SACERS), and the Youth Program Quality Assessment (YPQA). Program accreditation is valid for four years with annual activity reports submitted.
“We are proud of the incredible work our staff has administered in order to accomplish this accreditation,” said Shane Bargy, Executive Director of Boys & Girls Club of Schenectady. As a result, our ability to serve our community continues to be strengthened.
For more information about the Boys & Girls Clubs of Schenectady, please visit or follow us on Facebook at
For more information on Network for Youth Success, please visit