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A Letter To Parents

March 19, 2020

Dear Parents,

It’s important that you know the safety and protection of your children is the number one priority of Boys & Girls Clubs of Schenectady. We are doing everything possible to keep our Club members, staff and volunteers protected from the COVID-19 virus. Due to recent cases in Schenectady County and the recommendations by the state and federal government, we have decided to close the Club at this time. This past week we have thoroughly cleaned and disinfected all of our clubhouses to prevent possible exposure or spread of the virus. This closure ensures all kids, staff and volunteers are safe when the Club eventually reopens. Should the closure be extended upon the need for additional precautions, we will update you with this information immediately via our website ( or our facebook pages as we fully understand the implications our closure has on both your child and family.

In the meantime, we are advising all our Club staff, families and youth continue to take preventative measures as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the local health department and NYS and federal government officials. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your clubhouse as the phones have been forwarded to our staff in order to stay in contact.

The numbers of each of our free standing clubhouses are as follows:

Adeline Graham Clubhouse at Quackenbush Park- 518-416-9307

Mont Pleasant Clubhouse- 518-372-7040

Steinmetz Clubhouse- 518-372-3620

Rotterdam Clubhouse- 518-355-7440

Administration- 518-374-4714

As always, our commitment to our Club members and their families is unwavering. Please let your young people know that we are doing everything to keep them safe and will be working to stay in contact with them during our closure.


Shane Bargy

Executive Director

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